Part C is perhaps the simplest to describe,
though not to do, on Professional Experience you are expected to:
1. Teach
lots of lessons.
2. For
each lesson you should write a lesson plan before teaching it.
3. You
and your mentor will generally have a conversation about the lesson plan before
teaching it.
For Part C you will select five of the
lesson plans you've developed and taught on PE that involve the use of ICTs to
enhance student learning. You will submit those lessons as part of Assignment
How it is marked
The quality of your lesson planning and its
use of ICTs will not be marked. We will simply be looking for a complete lesson
(including reflection and feedback from others), the use of ICTs, and an
appropriate plan.
Each lesson plan will get awarded one of
three marks:
• 0
marks - if it is not submitted; missing large chunks of required content;
horrendously inappropriate; or plagiarised from another source.
• 0.5
marks - if it is submitted, but is missing chunks of required content, or is
some significant flaws.
Historically, the main "chunks"
that are missing from lesson plans are the "reflection" and
"feedback from others" sections.
• 1
mark - if it is submitted and has all the required components and is of
reasonable standard.
Don't polish/embellish your lesson plans
Important: An OK lesson plan will get full
marks as long as it includes the use of ICTs and has all parts of the appropriately
filled in.
Don't waste your time trying to polish and
embellish your lesson plans. It's not worth the effort.
Submit some lessons that went wrong
You will be using the lesson plans you
submit for Part C as examples for Part D, your reflective essay. This means it
is useful for you to submit some lessons that didn't work so well. Lessons that
didn't work allow you to make explicit mention of them in Part D and to take
the opportunity to reflect on why they didn't work and develop some ideas about
how this might change your future practice.
Why aren't you marking the quality?
Mainly because there is a huge variety in
the nature of Professional Experience contexts. This can make marking the
quality of ICT integration in lessons somewhat unfair.
Instead, the focus of Assignment 3 is on
you showing how well you can plan ICT rich lessons in ways appropriate to the
context, and reflect on how it went.
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